MM&A’s Self Leadership Programme aims to provide individuals with the necessary self-awareness and self-management skills to express themselves effectively in challenging environments so that they can attain success in all spheres of their lives. The programme is available to corporate groups as a stand-alone course or as part of a longer 3-module Advanced Leadership Development journey; or to individuals via a specially structured coaching process.

Please see the corporate self-leadership programme outlined below. MM&A also offers various guided and self-help tools for individuals, which can assist individuals on a stand-alone basis, or be incorporated into an agreed programme as required: Individual coaching ; Enneagram Analysis for unparalleled insight into personality, motivation & self-limiting beliefs, to enable accelerated development; Self-Leadership for Success  (e-book version of Marichen’s published book); Stress reducing meditations (audio download);Empowered Guided Breathwork Meditations  and we can even include an outdoor equine-assisted leadership awareness experience.

Apart from the various MM&A programmes and tools to help with the self-leadership journey, Marichen also works with the relevant tools used (and provided) by the organisation.



This course covers the following success factors & topics:

At a Personal Level:

  • Understanding the Self (Strengths, Weaknesses, Ambitions, Needs)
  • Crafting a personal definition of success
  • Creating the context to excel
  • The impact and power of choice
  • Mind power, positive attitude & creativity
  • Resilience – the key to work/life balance
  • Effects of stress and how to manage it
  • Health and wellbeing – the cornerstones of success
  • Managing your energy for success
  • Continued growth

At an Interpersonal Level:

  • Self-leadership in a transforming environment
  • Honing Emotional Intelligence
  • Establishing trust
  • Effective communication skills
  • Conflict management, e.g. in Call Centre or Team context

At a Managerial Level:

  • Building leadership skills
  • Achieving goals / outcomes
  • Time management
  • Motivating team members
  • Establishing own effective leadership style

The course duration depends on the level of transformation required by the individual or company and is typically 2-3 days plus an additional 2 sessions of one-on-one leadership coaching per participant.


See what Marichen has to share about the critical skill of self-leadership. She has a free gift for you at the end of the video!

“The Self-leadership for Success is definitely the most effective and inspiring leadership course I have ever had the pleasure to attend, and there has been many over the past 21 years in the corporate environment. Working with horses gives you a whole new outlook on all the principals of leadership and the lessons learned are so much more vivid and meaningful. Being back at the office my team and I remind each other daily of something we learned and we motivate each other to achieve all the goals we set for ourselves during the course. The course also brought us much closer together as a team and we have new found respect and understanding for each other. This is a definite for all leaders and a great investment. Marichen and the rest of her team are passionate and fun and like no trainers we experienced before. Well done on an amazing successful concept.”

Monika Roode, National Manager, Sage