Embracing the Future: Shaping the Next Evolution of Digital Coaching

Technology surrounds us, from the moment our smartphones buzz with reminders to the last video we watch before bed. It influences our work, relationships, and even our emotions—but let’s be honest, it can also feel overwhelming.

Every day, we’re presented with apps and platforms that claim to solve problems we didn’t even know existed. The flood of new technology makes it difficult to discern what’s truly valuable. And then there’s AI—names like ChatGPT and Bard are everywhere. But are they game-changers, or just more noise?

As technology advances, life doesn’t get simpler. We’re managing more apps, platforms, and devices than ever before. Instead of simplifying our lives, they often complicate them. What’s missing is clear guidance on how to manage all this without feeling overwhelmed.

Traditional app development often fails to solve real user problems, leaving us with bloated apps full of unnecessary features. Many systems are rigid, forcing users to adapt to them, rather than the other way around.

Our approach is different. We’re creating a platform that adapts to users’ lives, integrates with existing tools, and adds meaningful, relevant functionality. We focus on integration, not replacement, ensuring that users keep what works while enhancing their experience with features that truly add value.

Marichen Mortimer’s Approach: More Than Just an App

Marichen Mortimer isn’t just a coach; she’s a catalyst for transformation. With two decades of leadership experience spanning industries like banking, finance, and insurance, Marichen has developed a coaching approach that focuses on emotional intelligence, clarity, and resilience—skills critical for both personal and professional success.

Recognizing the need for a modern, user-centric approach to coaching, Marichen and her team have embarked on designing a platform that integrates her proven methods with cutting-edge technology. The result is more than just another AI-driven tool—it’s a personalized coaching experience that helps users grow, adapt, and thrive in every aspect of their lives.

This platform isn’t about AI replacing human insight or technology solving all problems. It’s about creating a synergy between powerful tech and time-tested human wisdom, bridging the gap between the digital and real worlds.

You’re Part of Something Special

You’ve been specially selected to be part of this journey. We’re offering this opportunity to a small, handpicked group because of the unique nature of our approach. As one of the select few, you’ll play an integral role in shaping the platform itself.

Your involvement will influence not just the features, but also the overall direction of the app. Due to this direct involvement in the development process, we can only accommodate a limited number of participants during this phase. And here’s the best part: in exchange for your time and input, you’ll receive full, lifetime access to the final version of the app at no cost.

We understand this opportunity isn’t for everyone. If you’re not ready to take on the responsibility of being a key part of our development process, that’s okay. There are many others eager for this opportunity, and we want those who participate to feel fully committed.

What to Expect

To get started, sign up using the link below. Based on the responses we receive, you’ll be granted access to specific portions of the app. We won’t activate all features at once. Instead, we’ll carefully analyze feedback and use advanced tools to determine what’s most relevant to users.

The first phase of testing will focus on a society feature within the platform, designed to facilitate collaboration between team members as part of the coaching journey. This is just the beginning—future phases will integrate society functionality with AI-specific tools. The roadmap will be provided within the framework.

Throughout the testing process, specific tasks will be assigned to gather honest feedback. Transparency is key—if a feature doesn’t resonate or feels unnecessary, we want to hear about it. Your input is crucial to the platform’s success.

While we value aesthetics, our primary focus during this phase is functionality and delivering real value. The look and feel will be refined later, but thoughts and suggestions on every aspect are always welcome. Participants will also receive guidance on how to use the feedback function within the app, and we encourage sharing ideas or suggestions at any time.

The Name Challenge

One more exciting opportunity: this app needs a name!

We’re turning to our trusted community to help us create something memorable. We’re looking for a name that captures the transformative nature of the platform, and we know you’ll have some fantastic ideas. There’s a special prize for the person who submits the best name, but this is about more than just a contest—it’s about crafting an identity for the platform that resonates with its purpose and mission.

There will be a dedicated page where users can rate, comment on, or tweak suggestions, fostering collaboration in finding the perfect name. This input will help define the app’s future.

Honestly, we realized we needed help when our best idea was “Marichen Mortimer’s Coaching Extravaganza for Total Life Mastery and Everything You Could Ever Need App.” It’s a bit of a mouthful (and probably won’t fit on a logo!). For now, we’re calling it PocketCoach, but we need something far more exciting and fitting.


You’re not just joining another app test—you’re becoming part of a bold new way to use technology for personal and professional growth. With your feedback and collaboration, we’ll shape a platform that adapts to its users, integrates with existing systems, and delivers real value. The experience will be dynamic, fast-paced, and incredibly rewarding, both now and in the future.

We look forward to your participation, insights, and creativity as we work together to redefine how technology can serve us.